Nagpur : Recently after a gap of around 5-months Nagpur reported first causality to novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) and on Friday the district witnessed three deaths. The positive cases have already shot up and now rise in death count may increase the risk even more.The Nagpur District on Friday, detected 1732 fresh Covid-19 cases in the last 24-hours while 672 persons successfully recovered from the virus borne disease.Out of total cases, 1364 cases were reported from Nagpur city while 307 cases were cropped up in Nagpur rural. 61 cases were reported from outside the district. Among the three deaths, 2 were the residents of the city and 1 was from outside the district.With the latest update, the cumulative positive cases reached 504637 and the number of deaths rose to 10,128. The sum of 4,86,149 people have been successfully recovered from the virus borne disease.The Covid recovery rate of Nagpur district dropped to 96.34% while active cases jumped to 8360.